Hugo Bootstrap Theme(HBS) 是一个快速、响应式、多用途和功能丰富的 Hugo 主题。其通常用于博客和文档站点。
- 性能
- 友好的用户体验
- Hugo Pipes : used to generate CSS and JS assets.
- PurgeCSS: remove unused CSS.
- Flexible and Configurable .
- Fast and Good User Experience: Google PageSpeed Insights ’s score is over 95.
- RTL support: Arabic demo site .
- Built on top of Bootstrap 5 .
- FontAwesome icons.
- Responsive.
- PWA , AKA progressive web apps.
- Various Palettes:
. - A Docs Layout for publishing project documentation, notes, digital gardens, zettelkastens etc.
- Light/Dark Mode.
- Font Size Switcher.
- Multilingual(I18N).
- Local Search .
- DocSearch.
- Pinning Posts.
- Footer Menu.
- Code Block Panel: copy code, line number, line wrap and expand.
- Code Toggle
- Breadcrumb.
- Archive .
- Image Viewer .
- Image Processing : resize and align images.
- Resources Lazy Loading:
. - Syntax Highlighting .
- Reward Widget , AKA Buy Me a Coffee: any platform that supports QR code is supported.
- Table of Contents.
- Comments : Disqus, Utterances and Giscus can be used out of box, you can also integrate with other comments services.
- Custom Assets : custom CSS and JS.
- Hooks : provides ability to add custom code on page.
- Social Links .
- Various Shortcodes .
- Twitter Cards and Open Graph.
- Creative Commons License .
- Contact Form .
- Numberify Headings Automatically.