This article refers to the modern, up-to-date installation method of installing the theme locally as Hugo module.

Proxy (Optional)#

If you’re located at China mainland without VPN, the Hugo module download may fail.

There are two proxies for this: GOPROXY.CN and GOPROXY.IO .


Please note that, Hugo doesn’t respect the GOPROXY env var, please use HUGO_MODULE_PROXY instead.

You can also set the module.proxy instead of using env var.

2  proxy = ''
2  proxy:
2   "module": {
3      "proxy": ""
4   }

Install a new site from scratch#

Please use the starter template for your new site.

Install on an existing site#

Turn your existing site into a Hugo module#

1$ cd my-blog
2$ hugo mod init

Declare hugo-theme-bootstrap module as a site dependency#

1$ hugo mod get[version]

The [version] can be one of Releases , branches or even commits.

Replace [version] with master for getting latest changes.

Copy example site content into your site (Optional)#

  • Clone the hugo-theme-bootstrap-skeleton repo into a temporary directory:
1$ git clone /tmp/hbs-skeleton
  • Copy example site configuration and content into your site:
1$ mkdir config
2$ cp -a /tmp/hbs-skeleton/config/* ./config
3$ cp -r /tmp/hbs-skeleton/content/* ./content
4$ cp -r /tmp/hbs-skeleton/archetypes/* ./archetypes
5$ cp -r /tmp/hbs-skeleton/static/* ./static
6$ cp -r /tmp/hbs-skeleton/assets/* ./assets
  • Delete the repo from your temporary directory again:
1$ rm -rf /tmp/hbs-skeleton/

Pull in dependencies via npm#

  • Use node package manager npm to pull in dependencies for this theme:
1$ hugo mod npm pack
2$ npm install

Preview your site#

  • Start hugo’s built-in webserver to preview your website:
1$ hugo server